I'm an educated dancer that has specialized in House dance over the years. I'm very passionated about choreography and love to create dance for both the stage and the camera. Here I present a collection of my work as a dancer and choreographer.

DETESTED is a film, shedding light on gender-based violence and the normalization process. Violence against women is present in every society around the world and takes many forms. Globally, one in three women is subjected to physical or sexual violence by a man at some point in her life. Overwhelming, horrifying, sickening statistics; how can we as a society remain silent? The idea for the film comes from a place of anger, sorrow, frustration, and hope for change.
Director, Creative Director, Choreographer, Editor & Producer - Me
DOP, Colorist, Creative Mentor & Gaffer - André Forsström
Rebecca Livaniou, Tove Rådmark, Amanda Rodriguez, Ana Strandberg, Emma Graufelds, Julia Leoni, Linnea Sällqvist, Emmy Wiman Westberg, Kirsi Kekki, Alma Hakim, Ronja Strid & Sofia Almfjord, Mattis Johansen, Carl Selvén, and Omar Velasquez Rojas.
Rebecca Livaniou, Tove Rådmark, Amanda Rodriguez, Ana Strandberg, Emma Graufelds, Julia Leoni, Linnea Sällqvist, Emmy Wiman Westberg, Kirsi Kekki, Alma Hakim, Ronja Strid & Sofia Almfjord, Mattis Johansen, Carl Selvén, and Omar Velasquez Rojas.
Globally, one in three women—approximately 736 million—is subjected to physical or sexual violence by a man at some point in her life. This violence is often driven by desires for control and power. Nearly 38% of murders of women worldwide are committed by intimate partners. In Sweden, gender-based violence has become one of the deadliest forms of violence this year. Despite this, the judicial system’s budget is being cut, and politicians are failing to prioritize or even address gender-based violence. We need change now!
The film takes viewers through the three phases of the normalization process: boundaries are shifted and erased, women are isolated, and the cycle between violence and affection becomes routine. These elements are crucial to understanding how violence is normalized and self-esteem and identity are gradually eroded. DETESTED immerses you in these three stages, illustrating how the abnormal becomes normalized.

With urban and organic movement UNVOLUTION embodies the power play between nature and humankind. We live in a world where global warming is no longer a myth but a fact. Sea levels are rising, rainforests are being destroyed, ecosystems are being disrupted and temperatures are rising. UNVOLUTION exposes our conscience, behaviors and power structures. The piece is 50 minutes long and was choreographed together with Tove Rådmark. Photography: Einar Kling-Odencrants. Film and edit: André Forsström

In 2017, the hashtag #MeToo swept across the globe, with women sharing their own experiences of sexual harassment and assault. This movement stirred powerful emotions within me and among the women in my circle. Driven by anger and frustration, I felt a compelling urge to take action and amplify these stories. Alongside two fellow dancers, we collected narratives and hastily organized a gathering for dancers within two days. With no budget, we filmed the video below using a mobile camera. The video evoked strong reactions, garnering widespread sharing and views on social media. I personally handled both the filming and editing of the video. Music: Gidge - Growth.
Endeavour is a dance piece I choreographed together with Jonas Kauppinen. The piece is about one's inner personal struggle and the constant striving to overcome fears and obstacles that stand in the way of freedom and presence.
Filmed and edited by Akira Nossborn.
Music: Black Motion - It's you
Filmed and edited by Akira Nossborn.
Music: Black Motion - It's you
For more than 8 years I have been teaching House dance at various schools around Stockholm. Menateng is a dance piece I choreographed and created for my students at Danscenter Fryshuset. I wanted to challenge myself as a teacher and choreographer and create something for my hobby students. A group consisting of people with different experiences, some have danced house for several years and others have just started. The ages in the group vary between 13 and 65 years. The film is edited by me and the material is filmed by Akira Nossborn. Music: Prince Kaybee, Aymos, Black Motion - Menateng
Choreography created together with Kevin Wedin and Tove Rådmark. A piece representing the strength we build together with others. Video edited by me and filmed by Einar Kling-Odencrants. Music: Ezel - Origins.
fetch your life
A freestyle video filmed by Emanuel Sonka and edited by me. Music: Prince Kaybee - Fetch your life.